With 93 Days until Christmas…

I thought I’d share this poem by Pam Young because it gave me a giggle.

Magazine Christmas

I want a magazine Christmas
With a tree in every room
I’ll hire a choir to sing on my porch
With a thousand poinsettias in bloom

I’ll carefully cast a Nativity Scene
From the folks in my neighborhood
I’m close to a farm so I’ll borrow
A cow and a lamb would be good

They’ll stand in my yard in a spotlight
From dusk until ten o’clock
My kids’ll be thrilled with the spectacle
Hope it snows, if it doesn’t, I’ll flock

My gingerbread house will need blue prints
The Sistine Chapel no less
I’ll bake cookies and pies and make candy
And I won’t leave the kitchen a mess

I’ll make all the presents and Christmas cards
The bows and the Christmas wrap too
I’ll deck all the halls with the holly I’ll cut
From a tree that I found near the zoo

My car will resemble the jolly old sleigh
I’ll paint it a Christmas red
The only thing missing on Christmas day
Will be me, because I will be dead

My Craft Projects – A Progress Report – Cross Stitch

There has been very little cross stitch done since I got into knitting and I’ve just realised that I didn’t photograph one of my projects.  It can be updated another day.  My longest running project is the “Tropical vacation Window”.  I’m up to backstitching which is making the design really pop but there is SO MUCH back-stitching.  It will take a bit of true grit to get this one finished.

Then I have “Domestically Challenged”.  I’ve got a couple of other pieces by this same designer so I’m envisioning a trio of cushions one day.  I love the bright cheery colours in this one as well as all the black and white.

My most recent project is “Iris and Blackwork” which I started a few weeks ago when I was fed up with endless garter stitch knitting and needed something different. And different it is!  I’m loving the blackwork and beading but am not looking forward to using the metallic thread supplied.  In fact I will most likely substitute some golden coloured DMC because life is too short to fight with metallic threads.

Last but not least is the beginnings of a Christmas decoration for my smallest nephew. Shhhh!


Focus on Finishing

I often have some friendly discussion with my knitting friends about finishing things.  Many people dislike the process of sewing things together that they have knitted, some are just so busy with so many projects that they rarely get time to finish things and some others are starting things so often that they just never seem to finish them. After quite disciplined start to my knitting career I’ve found that I have a few projects on the go as well as some unfinished cross stitch projects and a few projects that are just waiting to be started.  As I don’t yet have a regular income flowing in I’m going to focus on finishing some things in the next few months so that I’m not spending money on stash and it frees up some of my craft storage space.  I’m doing a little happy dance tonight because this evening I have finished the Wee Wonderfuls Santa Sacks that I started for the boys before Christmas.  I’m just going to focus on the fact that I am very prepared for Christmas 2011.  White pillowcases with red stitching for Daniel and green stitching for Eric has been combined to make something I’m rather proud of and the boys like them too! Here’s what I hope to be “finishing” this year: Cross-stitch – tropical vacation window (will be for Fiona) birth record for Rhys (hopefully BEFORE the child starts school!) Janlynn “Dolly Mama” cross stitch about housework (I’ve got this one and other one that I would like to make into pillows) Knitting – Mikayla’s Yellow Scarf – is measuring about 40cm now so I’m well on the way! Noro Shawl – will be finished very soon Dream Blanket – will take a looong time but is going to be beautiful Citron Shawlette for Trish Z with Malabrigo lace weight yarn – this one is sitting for a while as I wait for lace needles New Job Swing Vest – sigh! perhaps it will be for a new new job! Candy Stripe Cardigan -I have to admit for the sake of accountability that this isn’t officially finished but it is waiting for two buttons.  In theory, I could finish it tonight! Cross Stitch to start Christmas Ornament on plastic canvas for Luke – the surprise nephew who made his appearance after I’d done decorations for his siblings Knitting to start South African Silk Scarf – with silk yarn and contrast yarn. Silk yarn was bought for me by Fiona and Crawford in South Africa. Leaf Purse Lavender bags for Mother’s Day stall “Roar” dinosaur beanies for Daniel and Jed Wonderball scarf in white and pastels – yummy! Knitting that I might start: long cowl type thing that A is thinking of having as a knit along a “flood bear” – I was thinking of a pastel colour with “muddy” feet a cool hat for Eric because Daniel will have his special beanie. Crochet I might start: NONE – I just put that in the get Alix’s attention because no matter what she says I do not crochet!

Pause a Moment

Daniel and I enjoyed taking a moment to listen to this video this evening.