A New Year of Sorts

No doubt the title of this post will send Ms F off to check her calendar again but I’m talking financial years here. The boys have had a sleepover with my parents tonight so like the exciting couple that we are, we took the opportunity to pull out all our receipts and bank statements etc ready to file our tax return. I’ve slackened off in this department big time since I started working pre-marriage and pre-children of my own. I used to have an exercise book for each financial year and I would religiously glue in my payslip for each fortnight and any receipts for work related expenses. I remembered to check my odometer every time I went to an in-service away from school and wrote down all my kilometres travelled. My accountant loved me!
Things have changed in that the payslips and PAYG statements are now all available on-line but I’ve resorted to tossing receipts into a drawer when I thought of it and often forgetting about it altogether. I still use the same accountant but both he and A have hankered for the old days where I kept everything more methodically. So I’ve made a little notebook for this financial year which will have a page for each fortnight as before. I’ve glued in my first receipt from a wonderful “child free” visit to the “teacher’s shop” today and written down the totals of pay, long service leave and sick leave for this fortnight. I aim to keep doing this so I have a rough idea of how much sick leave I have at any given time.
The photo shows my cleared desk, my new notebook and my shiny new Mac (not really new but I still feel like it is!) My desktop is the 12 Key Zen Habits from here . “Goddess Leonie” was inspired by this blog which is one of my all time favourite reads. The cleared desk is one of the 12 habits and I’d like to work on the rest!

4 Comments on “A New Year of Sorts”

  1. Fifikins says:

    Hehe! Looks wonderful! I have an appointment with my accountant next week. This will be my first year in over 12 that I have submitted consecutive tax returns on time! THe exercise book sounds like a good idea. I have been looking for a decent clip to stick my parking receipts to. I might go the book idea too. Plus it is another excuse to go to Smiggle!

  2. Teresa McNamara says:

    I know another reason for going to Smiggle. They are now selling umbrellas!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hi Tess
    You are certainly sounding a lot better lately keep up the good work.
    regards marianne r

  4. Muthering Heights and Other Senseless Sensibility says:

    LOL, I love that you picked that for your alone time! That sounds like something we would do!

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